Run report metrics
You can use the six run report metrics to evaluate the quality of a sequencing run:
Throughput (or Total Bases)—The number of filtered and trimmed base pairs reported in the output BAM file.
ISP loading density—The percentage of chip wells that contain Ion Sphere™ Particles (ISPs). The percentage value considers only potentially addressable wells. Bead loading density is calculated as the number of loaded wells divided by the number of potentially addressable wells.
Total reads—The total number of filtered and trimmed reads independent of length reported in the output BAM file.
Read length—The length of called reads measured in base pairs.
Read length histogram—A histogram that reflects the size distribution of the library minus the Ion adapter sequences.
Key signal—The average signal (post software processing) for all ISPs that identically match the library key (TCAG). When the library key signal is lower than expected, increased 3' quality trimming occurs. Therefore, the higher the starting key signal, the less the impact of signal droop and the less 3' quality trimming is expected to occur.