Throughput considerations

To assess a run, examine the throughput or total bases. Consider whether these numbers make sense for the application and chip type.

Chip type

Number of addressable wells

Number of reads


200 Base Read

400 Base Read

Ion 510™ Chip

~6 million

2–3 million

0.3–0.5 Gb

0.6–1 Gb

Ion 520™ Chip

~12 million

4–6 million

0.6–1 Gb

1.2–2 Gb

Ion 530™ Chip

~37 million

15–20 million

3–4 Gb

6–8 Gb

Ion 540™ Chip

~150 million

60–80 million

10–15 Gb


Ion 550™ Chip

~260 million

100–130 million

20–25 Gb


The following table provides information regarding the number of wells per chip type and sequencing throughput specifications for sequencing runs from an Ion PGM™ System.

Chip type

Number of addressable wells

Number of reads


200 Base Read

400 Base Read

Ion 314™ Chip v2 BC

~1.2 Million

400–500 Thousand

30–50 Mb

60–100 Mb

Ion 316™ Chip v2 BC

~6 Million

2–3 Million

300–600 Mb

600 Mb–1 Gb

Ion 318™ Chip v2 BC

~11 Million

4–5.5 Million

600 Mb–1Gb

1.2–2 Gb

1 Expected output with >99% aligned accuracy. Output is dependent on read length and application.

The throughput, total bases, and read length metrics are found at the top of the run report. This example is from the 200-base read run (500 flows) on an Ion 540™ Chip with a CEPH control library.

Total bases or throughput depends on the ISP loading density, total reads (usable sequence), and read length.

  1. Throughput (Total Bases)

  2. Total Reads

  3. Read Length