Review the ERCC_Analysis plugin results

After the sequencing run completes, review the plugin results in the report summary.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports.
  2. In the list of runs, locate the run of interest, then click the link Completed Runs & Reports screen, click the report name to open.
  3. In the left navigation menu of the EERC_Analysis screen, click ERCC_Analysis to view a summary of the plugin analysis results.
  4. (Optional) Click the ERCC_Analysis.html link to open the ERCC Analysis Report and view the barcode summary and plugin analysis results.



    Use only forward strand reads

    Indicates whether forward strand reads were used in the analysis.

    Passing R-squared value

    The value entered on the ERCC Plugin Configuration screen.

    Minimum transcript counts

    The minimum number of reads included in the analysis.

    ERCC pool used

    The ERCC transcript pool used when preparing the library.

  5. In Barcode Name, click the barcode name to open the ERCC Report to see the results for an individual barcode.