View ERCC transcript details
You can look at the details of a particular ERCC transcript in two ways: by using the plot or by using the transcript. To view all of the details regarding a particular ERCC transcript, you can use both ways.
Using the plot—Hover your mouse-cursor over a point in the ERCC Dose Response plot to display a popup window that shows details regarding that transcript. Zoom in on the overlapping points on the plot to more easily distinguish the points.
- To zoom in on a selected area, click‑drag your mouse to highlight the area of interest.
- Double‑click in the plot, or click Reset Zoom to zoom out to the full view of the ERCC Dose Response plot.
The log (base 2) of the relative ERCC transcript concentration.
The log (base 2) of the mapped reads to an ERCC transcript.
The ERCC transcript identifier, including length in base pairs (bp).
The number of reads that map to the particular transcript.
A Phred score of the probability that this read was aligned specifically versus any other place in the reference. In practice it is based on the absolute and relative alignment scores for the first two alternative mapping locations. The mapping quality that is reported is based on mean base read quality (after trimming).
The points in the display are color coded based on the mapping quality.
Using the transcript—Scroll to the particular transcript, then click the [+] next to the transcript name.
The number of reads that map to the particular transcript.
The minimum and maximum number of reads covering bases in the transcript. If coverage is 100%, the minimum value is > 0.
The number of base positions covered by at least one read. Also expressed as a percentage of the full length.
The number of base positions that are the start site for a read.
The number of base positions that have only one read starting at the position.
The coefficient of variation for coverage = average coverage / standard deviation coverage for the entire transcript.