Torrent Suite™ Software output and Ion Reporter™ Software analysis phases

Typically the BAM file output of your Torrent Suite™ Software analysis is uploaded to Ion Reporter™ Software and then the software runs through major analysis phases:

  1. Mapping

  2. Variant calling

  3. Annotation

The following table describes how Torrent Suite™ Software output files are used in Ion Reporter™ Software analyses.

Torrent Suite™ Software output file

Output from this Torrent Suite™ Software analysis phase

Input to this Torrent Suite™ Software workflow

BAM file

TS analysis pipeline

Any except annotation-only

VCF file

TS Variant Caller (variantCaller) plugin


The IonReporterUploader plugin by default uploads both the BAM file and the VCF file from the Ion Torrent™ Server to Torrent Suite™ Software.

The following table describes the input and output file types for the analysis phases.

Analysis phase

Input file type

Output file type


BAM file (mapped or unmapped)

Mapped BAM file

Variant calling

Mapped BAM file

VCF file


VCF file (with or without annotations)

Annotated VCF file

Each output file type is required as input to the next analysis phase. In almost all cases, the Ion Reporter™ Software analysis phases are performed in order.

The exception is the annotation phase. The annotation-only analysis workflow runs this phase by itself. (All other analysis workflows include the annotation phase as their last analysis phase.) The annotation-only analysis workflow requires as input a VCF file, which can be generated from either an Ion Reporter™ Software analysis, a variantCaller plugin analysis, or a different source.