ampliSeqRNA plugin reports

The following ampliSeqRNA plugin reports are available for download from the results screen as tab-delimited text files, which are compatible with Microsoft™ Excel™ or similar applications.



Barcode Summary Report

A table listing each barcode sample name, total reads, aligned reads, and percent aligned.

Absolute Reads Matrix

A table listing absolute reads for the genes found on each barcode.

Absolute Normalized Reads Matrix

A table listing absolute normalized reads for the genes found on each barcode.

CHP files normalized by RPM

A file format designed for use with Applied Biosystems™ microarray software applications to produce additional reports.

Differential Expression for Barcode Pair

A pop-up window that allows you to compare two barcodes. You can set a threshold for minimum read count and exclude targets from the differential expression table. Differential expression for each target that is represented as the log2 of the ratio of RPM reads of the experiment barcode to the control barcode.