Create a Sample Set manually
Create a Sample Set manually by entering sample information into the Torrent Suite™ Software without the use of an external CSV file. This method of entering sample information is useful for creating small Samples Sets.
To create a Sample Set manually, enter individual samples into the software, then create a new Sample Set and add your samples to it. Alternatively, you can add your new samples to an existing Sample Set.
For Sample Sets that contain numerous samples, you may want to import samples using a CSV file. For more information, see Create a Sample Set by importing samples from a CSV file.
- In the Plan tab, click Samples, then click Add or Update Sample Set/Samples.
Click Enter New Sample.
- Complete the Add Sample dialog box. For information about defining the samples, see Sample attributes.
Click Done.
Your new samples and sample attributes appear in the Enter Samples list.
- Enter additional samples if needed.
Add the samples to a sample set. Do one of the following:
Click Add to existing Sample Set, then select an existing Sample Set to contain the samples.
Click Create Sample Set. For information about defining the Sample Set, see Sample Set definitions.
Click Save Sample Set.
The set name appears in the Sample Sets list.
You can use the Sample Set to create a Planned Run. The information from the Sample Set and individual samples within the Sample Set are prepopulated in the Planned Run workflow bar steps and Planned Run template. For more information, see Plan by Sample Set.