Manage Planned Runs

You can manage Planned Runs in various ways.

On the Plan tab, click Planned Runs to access various functions to manage Planned Runs.


Do the following...

View all Planned Runs

Click All above the list.

View Planned Runs that were created from a Planned Run template

Click by Template above the list.

View Planned Runs that were created from a Sample Set

Click by Sample above the list.

Search the list

  1. In the search box above the Planned Runs list, click (Search By), then select the search type from the options.

  2. Enter your search terms in the box, then click Go.

Filter the list

Select your filter criteria from the lists above the list of Planned Runs.

Clear all search and filter settings and display the complete list

Click Clear All above the list.

Sort the list

Click a column header to sort the list by the information in that column. Only columns with bold headers are sortable.

View multiple pages in the list

Click the page number and scroll buttons below the list.

Display a list of the samples in the Planned Run

In the Sample column, hover over the (Info) icon.

Display a list of projects that the run results will be transferred to

In the Project column, hover over the (Info) icon.

Delete Planned Runs

Select the checkbox next to each Planned Run, then click Delete Selected below the list.

Alternatively, click (Actions) in the Planned Run row, then select Delete.

You cannot delete Planned Runs with a status of Reserved.

Edit a Planned Run

  1. Click (Actions) in the Planned Run row, then select Edit.

    The Edit Plan workflow opens.

  2. Edit the settings in any of the steps, then click Update Plan in the Save step.

Review all the settings in a Planned Run

Click (Actions) in the Planned Run row, then select Review.

Copy a Planned Run

  1. Click (Actions) in the Planned Run row, then select Copy.

    The Copy Plan workflow opens.

  2. Edit the settings in any of the steps, enter the name of the new plan in Run Plan Name, then click Copy Plan in the Save step.

Transfer a Planned Run to another Ion Torrent™ Server

To transfer a Planned Run, see Transfer a Planned Run to another Ion Torrent Server.