Plugins step in the workflow bar
Use the Plugins step in the workflow bar to select plugins to include in a Planned Run or a Planned Run template. Plugins expand the analysis capabilities of Torrent Suite™ Software. Plugins added in this step run automatically during the sequencing run, and plugin results appear in the run report. The plugin results are added to the run report and can be used for various purposes. You can set a plugin to run automatically after every run if you add the plugin to the Planned Run or Planned Run template. You can also configure the plugin, if necessary.
The list of available plugins depends on which plugins are active on the Ion Torrent™ Server that is connected to the instrument you use. Plugins that are installed, configured, and enabled on your Ion Torrent™ Server are active, and are available in this list.
The IonReporterUploader plugin does not appear in this list because it is configured in the IonReporterUploader step.
When you enable some plugins, such as the variantCaller and coverageAnalysis plugins, a Configure link appears for that plugin. For information on configuring each plugin, see Preinstalled plugins.
If you select the variantCaller plugin and the Planned Run does not use a predefined configuration, you must click the Configure link to configure the plugin before you can proceed to the next step or save the Planned Run or Planned Run template. For details about how to configure the variantCaller plugin, see Variant calls in Torrent Suite Software.