Review coverageAnalysis plugin results
The coverageAnalysis plugin generates a Coverage Analysis Report. This report includes read statistics and several charts. The statistics and charts that are presented depend on the library type for the analysis.
The report summary lists the barcodes, the samples, the number of mapped reads, the percentage of on target reads, mean base coverage depth, and base coverage uniformity. Microsoft™ Excel™-compatible reports are also generated, including differential expression tables. Additional details regarding read coverage are also provided on a per-barcode basis, along with a list of gene annotations for each sequenced region.
You can download statistics files and the aligned reads BAM file from the file links at the bottom of the Coverage Analysis Report. After the sequencing run completes, review the plugin results in the report summary.
- In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports.
- In the list of runs, find the run of interest, then click the link in the Report Name column.
In the left navigation menu, click coverageAnalysis to view the plugin summary.
A summary table of the coverage analysis, by barcode, is included in the coverageAnalysis summary pane.
In the coverageAnalysis barcode summary, in the Barcode Name column, click a link to open a detailed Coverage Analysis Report for that barcoded sample.
Alternatively, click the coverageAnalysis.html link to open the summary table for all barcodes in a new window.
- In the Coverage Analysis Report, review the plugin results. Click the links at the bottom of the Coverage Analysis Report to download associated statistics and summary files for each barcoded sample in the run.