View test fragments for a completed run

You can view the test fragment results and determine the quality of your sequencing run if you included key signal test fragments in your run.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports, then click the Report Name link to open the report of interest.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Details, or scroll to the Details section of the run report, then click Test Fragments.



    Test Fragment

    Test fragment name. For more information, see Test fragments.


    Number of filtered & trimmed reads identified for this test fragment.

    Percentage 50AQ17

    The percentage of reads for this test fragment with a minimum of 50 base pairs in length and an error rate of 1 in 50, Phred-like 17, or better. Quality is based on alignment, not predicted quality.

    Percent 100AQ17

    The percentage of reads for this test fragment with a minimum of 100 base pairs in length and an error rate of 1 in 100, Phred-like 17, or better. Quality is based on alignment, not predicted quality.

    Read length histogram

    A thumbnail histogram of trimmed lengths of all reads present in the test fragment.

  3. In the Read length histogram column, click the thumbnail histogram to open a larger image and review the histogram details.

    The figure shows an example histogram of read lengths, represented in base pairs (bp), that have a Phred-like score of ≥17, or one error in 50 bp (only the ends are shown because of width considerations). Distributions skewed to the right are ideal, showing longer read lengths (test fragments are a discrete length). It is likely that the sequence can extend all the way through the test fragment, if enough flows are run, so that the histogram displays only a maximum size based on the length of the test fragment.