Research application step in the workflow bar

Use the Research Application step in the workflow bar to select research applications and target techniques that apply to your template or plan . Available options in subsequent steps are restricted to those options that are compatible with the selected research application and target technique.

  1. Select the research application used in your plan.

    Research application



    Detects and annotates low frequency (to 0.5% limit of detection) somatic variants (SNPs, INDELs, and CNVs) from targeted DNA libraries using Ion AmpliSeq™ HD technology. This method is compatible with DNA purified from tumor or liquid biopsy research samples.

    DNA and Fusions (Separate Libraries)

    Detects and annotates low frequency (to 0.5% limit of detection) somatic (SNPs, INDELs, and CNVs) variants from targeted DNA libraries, and gene fusions from matching targeted RNA libraries using Ion AmpliSeq™ HD technology. This method is compatible with DNA and RNA purified separately from tumor or liquid biopsy research samples.

    DNA and Fusions (Single Library)

    Detects and annotates low frequency (to 0.5% limit of detection) somatic variants (SNPs, INDELs, CNVs, and fusions) from targeted nucleic acid libraries using Ion AmpliSeq™ HD technology. This method is compatible with DNA and RNA purified together from tumor or liquid biopsy research samples.


    Detects and annotates gene fusions from targeted RNA libraries using Ion AmpliSeq™ HD technology. This method is compatible with RNA purified from tumor or liquid biopsy research samples

    Human Identification

    For templates to run Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID set of panels.

    Immune Repertoire

    For use with the Ion AmpliSeq™ Immune Repertoire panel.


    Reserved for future use with Ion Reporter™ Software.

    Mutation Load

    For use with the Oncomine™ Tumor Mutation Load Assay panel.

    Oncology - Liquid Biology

    For use with liquid biopsy oncology research panels.


    For use with Ion AmpliSeq™ Pharmacogenomics Research Panel that is imported from


    For use with RNA (fusions) libraries.


    For use when performing molecular fingerprinting to detect viral or bacterial strains for research purposes.

  2. Select the Target Technique that pertains to the selected research application.

    Research Application selected

    Available Target Technique


    AmpliSeq DNA

    AmpliSeq Exome

    AmpliSeq HD - DNA



    Whole Genome

    DNA and Fusions (Separate Libraries)

    AmpliSeq DNA and Fusions

    AmpliSeq HD - DNA and Fusions (Separate Libraries)

    AmpliSeq RNA

    DNA and Fusions (Single Library)

    AmpliSeq HD - DNA and Fusions (Single Library)


    AmpliSeq HD - Fusions

    Human Identification

    AmpliSeq DNA

    Immune Repertoire

    AmpliSeq RNA

    Mixed Samples (DNA/RNA)


    16S Targeted Sequencing


    Mutation Load

    AmpliSeq DNA

    Oncology - Liquid Biology

    Tag Sequencing


    AmpliSeq DNA


    AmpliSeq RNA

    RNA Sequencing



    Whole Genome

  3. Click Next in the workflow bar to continue with the Planned Run or with Planned Run template creation.