HotSpotAlleles field
The HotSpotAlleles field in the hotspots file specifies the alleles that are involved in variant calls, using this format:
REF= reference_allele; OBS= observed_allele
6-column format
The elements can be empty: REF=; or OBS=;. Empty means deletion.
An additional element ANCHOR=base_before_allele can be provided for backward compatibility, but is optional. In fact, it is recommended that the ANCHOR key is NOT provided for Torrent Suite™ Software 4.2 or later.
Insertion alleles should have the same start and end position, and that position corresponds to a region between two bases. SNV, MNV, deletion, and complex variants should correspond to the reference bases that are spanned by the event.
The REF and OBS should be on the forward genomic strand. There should be one alternative allele per line.
8-column format
The +/- strand notation in the hotspots file refers to the orientation of the Ion AmpliSeq™ Designer design input sequence, not to the reference sequence. REF and OBS alleles must always be reported on the forward strand of the reference sequence.
HotSpotAlleles are always reported based on the allele information from the positive strand of the reference sequence. Even if the allele strand is negative, the REF and OBS bases still report the alleles on the positive strand.
For example, if there is a hotspot either on the positive strand or on the negative strand on a genomic coordinate, the strand information makes no difference as to what is reported on the HotSpotAlleles column. The HotSpotAlleles column always reports the alleles on the positive strand. In the following example, the strands are different, but the reported alleles are always from the positive strand: