Edit or delete a custom test fragment

You can edit or delete custom test fragments in Torrent Suite™ Software.

WARNING! Do not modify the test fragment sequences for the test fragments that are supplied by Torrent Suite™ Software: TF_A, TF_B, TF_C, TF_D, TF_G, and TF_1. For example, TF_1 is used to assess the quality of bead loading. TF_C is used to assess the quality of a templating and library matching.

On your own test fragment (not test fragments supplied by Torrent Suite™ Software), you can make the following edits:

  • Change the test fragment name, key, or comments.

  • Change the test fragment nucleotide sequence.

  • Change whether or not the test fragment is enabled.

  1. Click (Settings) > References, then click Test Fragments in the left navigation menu.
  2. In the Test Fragments table, click a link in the Name column.
  3. To manage the test fragments, in the Edit Test Fragment dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Edit Name, Key, Sequence, or Comments, or select/deselect the Enabled checkbox, then click Save. Changes appear in the Test Fragments table.

    • Click Delete to permanently remove the test fragment from Torrent Suite™ Software. Deleted test fragments are removed from the Test Fragments table.