Configure the variantCaller plugin to run by default after every run

To run the variantCaller plugin automatically after the Torrent Suite™ Software analysis completes, configure the variantCaller plugin to run by default.

If the variantCaller plugin runs automatically, you can run the plugin again manually after a sequencing run is completed. For more information, see Run the variantCaller plugin manually.

IMPORTANT! Parameter changes that you make in a Planned Run affect only that specific run. If you change variantCaller plugin parameter settings in a Planned Run template, the changes affect all users who create Planned Runs from that template.

  1. Click (Settings) > Plugins.
  2. Ensure that the Enabled checkbox in the row of the variantCaller plugin is selected.
  3. Select the Selected by Default checkbox in the row of the variantCaller plugin name.

    The plugin is now set to perform its function after every sequencing run.

  4. (Optional) To disable automatic execution of the plugin, deselect the Selected by Default checkbox in the row of the plugin.
  5. To use a reference genome, target regions file, or hotspots file for one or more barcodes that are specified in the Planned Run, run the variantCaller plugin manually after the run.