RunTransfer plugin configuration

The RunTransfer plugin requires global configuration to connect to the Ion Torrent™ Server that receives transferred files.

The following configuration settings are used by the plugin:



IP address or fully qualified hostname

The IP address or fully qualified host name of the receiving Ion Torrent™ Server.

Remote TS Username (default ionadmin)

The user name of the administrator-level user on the receiving Ion Torrent™ Server. The default administrator user name on a new Ion Torrent™ Server is ionadmin, but this can be changed.


The password of the administrator-level user on the receiving Ion Torrent™ Server.

Upload Path (default /results/uploads/)

The path of the directory used to store transferred files and analyses on the receiving Ion Torrent™ Server.

Data set type

Select an option based on the following considerations:

  • Thumbnails/PGM—This option transfers all files, including thumbnails. However, the plugin does not run if full chip sequencing runs are performed on the Ion Proton™ System, Ion S5™ System, and Ion GeneStudio™ S5 System. With this setting, a warning is issued and the plugin does not run if the instrument used a Full Chip run.

  • Thumbnails/PGM and Full Chip—This option transfers only thumbnails of Ion PGM™ System, Ion Proton™ System, Ion S5™ System, and Ion GeneStudio™ S5 System data sets. Use this option if disk space is limited on the destination or network bandwidth is limited.