FreeBayes module advanced settings

The FreeBays module advanced parameter settings control the behavior of the FreeBayes module, a module within the variantCaller plugin, which performs read filtering and generates lists of variant candidates.

IMPORTANT! The advanced parameters settings are recommended for advanced users only. If you need help setting advanced parameters, contact your local Field Service Engineer.




Candidate generation parameter: Allow INDEL candidates to be generated when set.

Allowed values: 0 = does not generate indel candidates, 1 = generates INDEL candidates

Suggested trial value: 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow SNP candidates to be generated when set.

Allowed values: 0 = does not generate SNP candidates, 1 = generates SNP candidates

Suggested trial value: 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow MNP candidates to be generated when set.

Allowed values: 0 = does not generate MNP candidates , 1 = generates MNP candidates

Suggested trial value: 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow complex variant candidates to be generated when set.

Allowed values: 0 = does not generate complex candidates, 1 = generates complex candidates

Suggested trial value: 1


A candidate generation parameter: A non-HP-INDEL candidate needs to have an allele frequency greater than this value in the pileup.

Allowed values:Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.02 to 0.15


A candidate generation parameter: An HP-INDEL candidate needs to have an allele frequency greater than this value in the pileup.

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.02 to 0.15


A candidate generation parameter: A variant candidate location needs to have coverage depth greater than this value.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 6


A read filtering parameter: Minimum mapping quality value required for a read to be counted (for both candidate generation and variant evaluation).

Allowed values: ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 4


A read filtering parameter: Do not use reads with number of SNPs above this.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 10


A read filtering parameter: Ignore reads with fraction of mismatch greater than this value.

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 1.0


A read filtering parameter: Do not use reads with fraction of covering the best assigned unmerged target region below this.

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.9 (TagSequending and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD), 0 (otherwise)


A read filtering parameter: Do not use reads with number of mismatches (where 1 gap open counts 1) above this value.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0 (0 disables the filter)

Suggested trial value: 5 (Tag Sequencing and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD), 0 (other)