Review smallRNA plugin results

After your sequencing run completes, review plugin results in the report summary.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports.
  2. In the list of runs, find the run of interest, then click the link in the Report Name column.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click smallRNA to view the plugin results.
  4. In the smallRNA section, click smallRNA.html link to open the smallRNA Analysis Report for all barcodes.
    • In the barcode table, click individual barcode names to see the results for an individual barcode.



      Download the Statistics Summary

      An overview of read mapping statistics and smallRNA molecules.

      mirBase mapping quality (page_)

      Mapping quality output from Qualimap.

      Download the mirRNA Mature Counts

      A table with per mature RNA read counts.

      Download the miRNA Per Precursor 5p-3p Counts

      A table with 5p-arm and 3p-arm read counts on the same line.

      Download the miRNA High Confidence Mature Counts

      A table with per mature read counts for miRNAs identified as high confidence miRNAs in mirBase build 21

      Download the miRNA Per Precursor 5p-3p Counts

      A table with 5p-arm and 3p-arm read counts on the same line. Restricted to miRNAs identified as high confidence miRNAs in mirBase Build 21.

      Download the mirBase alignments (BAM) file (genomic coordinates)

      mirBase alignments converted to genomic coordinates when mirBase was used as reference.

      Download the mirBase alignments index (BAI) file

      Index file for the mirBase alignment.

      Download Output files (page_)

      A page that provides the ability to download all output files individually.

    • Click Download Barcode Summary Report to download the data into downloadable tab-separated spreadsheet, or PDF report.

    • Click Download absolute reads matrix to download a table that lists absolute reads for the genes that are found on each barcode.