Monitor disk space

You can monitor disk space if the Torrent Suite™ Software is not available, or if you want to use a command-line utility.

IMPORTANT! If there is insufficient space on the Ion Torrent™ Server, data files are retained on the Ion PGM™ Sequencer and the Ion Proton™ Sequencer until space becomes available.

  1. Sign in to the Ion Torrent™ Server using an ssh client:
    $ ssh ionadmin@ion-torrent-server 
    $ password: ionadmin
  2. Enter the df command to display partitions and disk utilization:

    Most growth is seen in the /results directories, which is where Ion Reporter™ Software data are stored.

    The Use% column indicates how much space is being used.

You can also monitor disk space through the Ion Reporter™ Software. For details, see View disk usage parameters.