Chromosome M reference sequence
The hg19 reference in Torrent Suite™ Software uses the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) for the Homo sapiens mitochondrial sequence (chromosome M or chrM) – GenBank accession number NC_012920. UCSC hg19 reference uses the original chromosome M sequence – GenBank accession number NC_001807. UCSC begins using the rCRS for chromosome M in the GRCh38 (hg38) assembly.
The following background information is from the UCSC site
"Since the release of the UCSC hg19 assembly, the Homo sapiens mitochondrion sequence (represented as 'chrM' in the Genome Browser) has been replaced in GenBank with the record NC_012920. We have not replaced the original sequence, NC_001807 in the hg19 Genome Browser. We plan to use the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) in the next human assembly release."