6-column target regions BED file format
The 6-column target regions BED file format is used when some or all of the gene names are known. BED files that are generated by AmpliSeq.com use this 6-column format.
The track line is required in a 6-column target regions BED file. The track line includes these tab-separated fields:
(Optional) |
String |
A unique design identifier. |
(Optional) |
String |
A description of the design. |
(Required) |
String |
String |
The following is an example track line:
track name="ASD270245" description="AmpliSeq Pool ASD270245" type=bedDetail
In a 6-column target regions BED file, the coordinates lines require the following tab-separated fields:
Partial example of a 6-column target regions BED file:
track name="ASD270249_v1" description="AmpliSeq Pool ASD270249" type=bedDetail chr9 133738312 133738379 AM73150 NM_005157 ABL1 chr9 133747484 133747542 AM73075 NM_005157 ABL1 chr9 133748242 133748296 AM73104 NM_005157 ABL1 chr9 133748388 133748452 AM491413 NM_005157 ABL1 chr9 133750331 133750405 74743 NM_005157 ABL1 chr9 133738312 133738379 73150 NM_007313 ABL1 chr9 133747484 133747542 73075 NM_007313 ABL1 chr9 133748242 133748296 73104 NM_007313 ABL1 chr9 133748388 133748452 491413 NM_007313 ABL1 chr9 133750331 133750405 74743 NM_007313 ABL1 chr14 105246407 105246502 329410 NM_001014431 AKT1 chr14 105246407 105246502 329410 NM_001014432 AKT1 chr14 105246407 105246502 329410 NM_005163 AKT1 chr2 29432658 29432711 34014 NM_004304 ALK