Monitor an Ion Chef™ run

Use the Monitor tab to view details about Ion Chef™ runs from the previous 7 days. The Planned Runs screen also contains information about the status of Ion Chef™ runs. For more information, see Planned Run status.

  1. In the Monitor tab, click Ion Chef.
  2. View the run information.



    Last Updated

    The date and time of the currently displayed run status.

    Sample Set

    For more information, see Samples and Sample Sets.


    The Ion Chef™ run plan in progress.

    Chef Instrument

    The identity of the Ion Chef™ Instrument in use.

    Library Prep Progress

    The progress of an Ion AmpliSeq™ library preparation run. For an Ion AmpliSeq™ on Ion Chef™ run only.

    Library Prep Status

    The current stage of the library preparation run.

    • Not started

    • In progress

    • Complete

    Template Prep Progress

    The progress of a template preparation run.

    Template Prep Status

    The current stage of the template preparation run.

    • Not started

    • In progress

    • Complete

    Estimated Time Remaining

    The estimated time remaining until the run is completed.

    Estimated Time Until User Intervention

    The estimated time and date when the run pauses for QC, or is completed.

    For an Ion Chef™ run in progress, check the Estimated Time Remaining or the Estimated Time Until User Intervention to see the time remaining before you can remove Ion Sphere™ Particles (ISPs) samples at the QC pause or remove loaded chips for sequencing.