Barcode errors histogram
The barcode errors histogram shows the number of reads with difference levels of basecalling errors in this barcode:
The first field gives the number of reads that have 0 basecalling errors (949782 in this example). This is the number of reads that perfectly match this barcode (in base space).
The second field gives the number of reads that have one basecalling error (24584 in this example).
The third field gives the number of reads that have two basecalling errors (3935 in this example).
From the 3935 value with 2 basecalling errors, we know that if we reanalyze with the number of allowed errors set to 1 instead of 2, then 3935 fewer reads are assigned to this barcode.
"barcode_errors_hist": [ 949782, 24584, 3935 ],
This histogram is typical of a real barcode. A large majority of reads are perfect matches, a few have one error, and a smaller number have two errors.
If the pattern is reversed (with very few perfect matches, some reads with one error, and many reads with 2 errors), we suspect that this is probably a fake barcode.