Review sampleID plugin results

After the sequencing run completes, review the plugin results in the report summary.

Note: If the sampleID is undetermined, a ? can appear in the report summary. The sampleID can be undetermined due to low coverage. For example, F-? is reported if only the female gender can be called due to low coverage and F-GCTYR??A is reported if specific alleles (2 out of the 8 called) could not be called due to low coverage or ambiguous allele frequency.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports.
  2. In the list of runs, find the run of interest, then click the link in the Report Name column.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click sampleID to view the plugin summary.
  4. Click sampleID.html to open the sampleID report in the browser tab. Then, you can open a detailed report and other data files.
  5. (Optional) Scroll to the File Links table, then click a link to:
    • Download a PDF image of the report.

    • Download all variant calls as a table file.

    • Download the tracking target regions file.

    • Download the tracking loci regions (SNPs) file.

    • Download the aligned tracking reads (BAM) file.

    • Download the aligned tracking reads index (BAI) file.

  6. (Optional) Click Download Barcode Summary Report to open the data in a downloadable tab-separated spreadsheet, or PDF report.
  7. To return to Torrent Suite™ Software, click back in the browser.