Upload a target regions file

You can upload a target regions BED file from your computer to Torrent Suite™ Software to use with a reference sequence.

Target regions files are only BED files. Supported file extensions are .bed, .zip, and .bed.gz. During file upload, the software validates the BED file, then ensures that the coordinate regions of the BED file are valid for the selected reference genome. The new BED file is then available as an option when you create a Planned Run. The new file appears in the Target Regions list in the Plan step of the Planned Run workflow bar, and also appears in the Target Regions table in the References tab.

IMPORTANT! You must upload target regions files that match both the reference sequence and the reference sequence version. The uploader cannot always detect mismatch errors. It is your responsibility to avoid the following uploading errors:

  • Uploading a BED file for a reference sequence of a different version (for example, an hg18 BED with an hg19 reference).

  • Uploading a BED file for a different species.

  • Uploading a hotspots BED file as a target regions BED file.

  1. Click  (Settings) > References, then click Target Regions in the left navigation menu.
  2. In the Target Regions screen, click Add Target Regions.
  3. In the New Target Regions screen, click Select File, then navigate to the file to be uploaded.
  4. Select the reference sequence from the Reference list.


    • Be careful to select the correct reference sequence because the new target regions file can be used only with this reference.

    • The reference sequence must be uploaded and available for selection before a target regions file can be uploaded.

  5. (Optional) Add a description and notes.
  6. Click Upload Target Regions File.

    Wait while the file is validated. The status updates to Successfully Completed after the upload finishes. Errors are reported in the Processing Log pane.

    For large files, validation can take several minutes. Refresh your browser to check that validation is complete.