Torrent Variant Caller module advanced settings

The following table lists and describes the Torrent Variant Caller module advanced settings.

IMPORTANT! The advanced parameters and settings are recommended for advanced users only. If you need help setting advanced parameters, contact your local Field Service Engineer.

Table 1. Torrent Variant Caller advanced parameters and settings




X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A variant evaluation parameter: The presence of the allele of the type is defined by which allele frequency is greater than this value.

Allowed values: Decimal between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: between 0.01 (somatic) and 0.2 (germline)


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A filter parameter: A called allele of the type needs to have a QUAL score greater than this Phred-scaled value.

Filter reason: quality score.

Related VCF fields: QUAL

Allowed values: Decimal values ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: > 10


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A filter parameter: The location of a called allele of the type needs to have a coverage greater than this value.

Filter reason: MINCOV

Related VCF fields: FRO, FAO

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: between 5 and 20


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A filter parameter: Minimum coverage required on each strand for a the type of allele to be called.

Filter reason: PosCov or NegCov

Related VCF fields: FSRF, FSRR, FSAF, FSAR

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: ≥ 3


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A filter parameter: A candidate allele of the type will be filtered out if its strand bias p-value is less than X_strand_bias_pval, and its strand bias is greater than X_strand_bias. The parameter is critical for filtering out the false positive calls due to the strand-specific sequencing error.

Filter reason: STDBIAS and STDBIASPVAL

Related VCF field: STB

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0.5 (requires perfect balance on both strands) and 1.0 (tolerates extremely strong strand bias)

Suggested trial value: 0.95


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, hotspot}.

A filter parameter: A candidate allele of the type will be filtered out if its strand bias p-value is less than X_strand_bias_pvall and its strand bias is greater than X_strand_bias.

Filter reason: STDBIAS and STDBIASPVAL

Related VCF field: STBP

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.01 for strand bias filter, 1 for no strand bias filter


X is one of the allele types in {indel, snp, mnp, and hotspot}.

A filter parameter: Minimum number of variant coverage after flow-evaluation required to make the call.

Filter reason: VarCov

Related VCF field: FAO

Allowed values: Integer ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 3 (TagSequencing or AmpliSeq HD), 0 (other)


Reduce coverage in over-sampled locations to this value to save computational time.

Allowed values: Integers ≥1

Suggested trial value: 400 (germline), 2000 (somatic)


(experimental in Torrent Suite™ Software 5.4)

A filtering parameter: Use Flow Disruptiveness (FD) instead of allele types (INDEL, SNP, MNP) as the criterion to select the parameter set.

If turned on, the (non-FD, weak FD, strong FD) allele applies the (INDEL, SNP, MNP) parameters, respectively.

If powered on, the (non-FD, weak FD, strong FD) allele applies the (INDEL, SNP, MNP) parameters, respectively.

Allowed values: 0: do not use FD parameters, 1: use FD parameters.


A filter parameter: A called variant needs to have a mean log-likelihood difference per read greater than this Phred-scaled value.

Filter reason: STRINGENCY

Related VCF field: MLLD

Allowed values: Decimal numbers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: ≥ 6.5


A filter parameter: A called variant needs to have RBI less than this value. The parameter is critical for filtering out the false positive calls due to the strand-specific sequencing error.


Related VCF fields: RBI = sqrt(FWDB ^ 2 + REVB ^ 2)

Allowed values: Decimal numbers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 0.3


A filter parameter: Filter out a deletion if the observed clusters deviate from predictions more than this amount.


Related VCF fields: VARB, REFB

Allowed values: Decimal numbers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 0.2


A filter parameter: Filter out an insertion if the observed clusters deviate from predictions more than this amount.


Related VCF fields: VARB, REFB

Allowed values: Decimal numbers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 0.2


A reporting parameter (TagSeq/AmpliSeq HD only): The minimum callable probability for the calculation of Limit Of Detection (LOD).

  • LOD is defined to be the lowest possible allele frequency in the sample such that the variant is callable with probability greater than this value, when the molecular depth is given.
  • Allowed values:Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

  • Suggested trial value:0.98


An evaluation parameter for Tag Sequencing and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD runs only: Minimum required coverage of reads on each strand in a bi-directional functional molecular tag family.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 1


An evaluation parameter for Tag Sequencing and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD runs only: Minimum number of reads with same molecular tag required to form a functional molecular family.

Allowed values: Integer ≥ 1

Suggested trial value: 3


An evaluation parameter for Tag Sequencing and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD only: Requirement of the molecular tag of the read must match the format specified in the Planned Run.

Allowed values: strict-trim (requires match), sloppy-trim (does not require match)

Suggested trial value: sloppy-trim


An evaluation parameter for Tag Sequencing and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD runs only: requires a family size ≥ (min_tag_fam_size + this value) to be functional for calling HP-INDEL.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 0

Suggested trial value: 0


A variant evaluation parameter: (2*heavy_tailed-1) is the degree of freedom of the t-distribution for modeling the heavy tail in signal residual distribution.

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 1

Suggested trial value: 3


A variant evaluation parameter: probability that a read comes from none of the models under consideration.

The variantCaller plugin will make NOCALL with filter reason REJECTION if FXX is too high.

Related VCF field: FXX

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1.0

Suggested trial value: between 0.005 and 0.01


A variant evaluation parameter: The number of pseudo data points suggesting our predictions match the measurements without bias.

Allowed values: Decimal numbers ≥ 0.1

Suggested trial value: 1.0


A variant candidate evaluating parameter: The maximum number of scoring flows being used.

Allowed values: Integers > 0

Suggested trial value: 10


A variant evaluation parameter: Homopolymer recalibration values should not be used when set.

Allowed values: 0 = enable recalibration, 1 = disable recalibration

Suggested trial value: 0


A variant candidate evaluating parameter: Realign reads in the vicinity of SNP candidates when set.

Related VCF content: REALIGNEDx

Allowed values: 0 = do not realign, 1 = realign

Suggested trial value: 0


A variant candidate evaluating parameter: Realign reads in the vicinity of MNP candidates when set.

Related VCF content: REALIGNEDx

Allowed values: 0 = do not realign, 1 = realign

Suggested trial value: 0


A variant candidate evaluating parameter: Maximum allowed fraction of reads where realignment causes an alignment change.

Related VCF content: SKIPREALIGNx

Allowed values: Decimals between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 1


A filter parameter: Claim flow-disruption if the portion of reads that are flow-disrupted greater than or equal to this value.

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.1


A filter parameter: A flag indicating whether INDEL filters or SNP filters should be applied to non-HP INDELs.

Allowed values: 0 (false), 1 (true)


A filter parameter: HP indels of more than this length will be filtered out.

Filter reason: HPLEN

Related VCF field: HRUN

Allowed values: Integers ≥ 1

Suggested trial value: 8


A filter parameter: Define the HRUN for filtering HP-INDEL variants with lengths specified by hp_del_len and hp_ins_len.


Related VCF field: HRUN

Allowed values: Vector of positive integers (for example, [1,2,3]) with size matches hp_del_len and hp_ins_len

Suggested trial value: []


A filter parameter: Filter out HP-INS variants whose INS length is less than or equal to the corresponding entry of this vector if the HRUN is defined in hp_indel_hrun.

Filter reason: HPINSLEN

Related VCF field: HRUN

Allowed values: Vector of non-negative integers (for example, [1,2,3]) with size matches hp_del_len and hp_indel_hrun.

Suggested trial value: []


A filter parameter: Filter out HP-DEL variants whose DEL length is less than or equal to the corresponding entry of this vector if the HRUN is defined in 'hp_indel_hrun'.

Filter reason: HPDELLEN

Related VCF field: HRUN

Allowed values: Vector of nonnegative integers (for example, [1,2,3]) with size matches hp_ins_len and hp_indel_hrun.

Suggested trial value: []


A filter parameter: Enable the position bias filter when set.


Allowed values: 0 = disable, 1= enable

Suggested trial value: (AmpliSeq) 1, (other) 0


A filter parameter: Filter out a variant if the position bias is greater than position_bias and the position bias p-value is less than position_bias_pval.

Filter reason: POSBIAS, POSBIASPVAL Related VCF field: POSBIAS

Allowed values: Ddecimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.75


A filter parameter: Filter out a variant if the position bias is greater than position_bias and the position bias p-value is less than position_bias_pval.


Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.05


A filter parameter: Skip the position bias filter if (reference read count) / (reference and alt read count) ≤ this value.


Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.05


The file name of the error motif file


A filter parameter: Filter threshold for motif-predicted error probability.

Filter reason: NOCALLxPredictedSSE, NOCALLxPositiveSSE, NOCALLxNegativeSSE

Related VCF fields: SSEP, SSEN

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value: 0.02


A reporting parameter: Report Possible Polyploidy Alleles (PPA) in the VCF file and the variant calls in the XLS files.

Related VCF field: PPA

Allowed values: 1 = report PPA, 0 = do not report

Note: This feature is experimental and by default is set to report_ppa = 0 (do not report).