Execute a Planned Run on a sequencer

A Planned Run is listed in the Planned Runs screen until it is executed on a sequencer. To execute the run, select it on the sequencer touchscreen, after which the run is removed from the Planned Runs list.

Depending on your sequencing system, use one of these methods to execute a Planned Run.
  • On the Ion PGM™ System: Press Run in the home screen, then follow the on-screen instructions. Pending run information appears in the Run info screen. If needed, press Browse to select a different Planned Run from the Planned Runs list. Press Next --> when you are ready to start your sequencing run.

    You can also type the Planned Run short code (for example, ITHWQ) into the Planned Run: text box on the run information dialog box.

  • On the Ion Proton™ System: Press Run in the home screen, then follow the on-screen instructions. In step 9 of the workflow, select a Planned Run from the list, scan or enter the chip barcode, then press Next ►. Pending run information appears in the next screen. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the run information, load and calibrate the chip, and start the sequencing run.

  • On the Ion GeneStudio™ S5 System and Ion S5™ System: Select your run from the Run Selection screen, then press Review. On the Select Run screen, ensure that the run selections are correct, then press Start run.