Mapping modules

The mapping alternatives supported by TMAP are listed and described in the following table. The map4 module is the default. Other modules are not run unless specifically called, for instance on the Reanalyze screen.

Click the module name link to see the options supported for that module.

Table 1.



TMAP map1 options

BWA-short reads mapping.

  • Very fast at finding perfect matches.

  • Very slow at finding a set of matches with up to two mismatches.

TMAP map2 options

BWA-long / BWASW reads mapping.

TMAP map3 options

Simplified SSAHA, based on a k-mer lookup table.

TMAP map4 options

Based on the BWA fastmap routine.

Searches for the maximum exact matches between the reads and reference.

TMAP mapvsw options

A vectorized implementation of Smith-Waterman.

  • A single mapping strategy that is twice as fast as the other modules.

  • Modified to improve specificity.


A command to quickly map short sequences to a reference genome.