Download a DNA barcode set CSV file

You can download a DNA barcode set CSV file and save it on your local storage. Use this feature to transfer DNA barcode sets between two different Ion Torrent™ Servers. Alternatively, you can download an existing DNA barcode set CSV file, customize the DNA barcode set, then import the new custom DNA barcode set onto your Ion Torrent™ Server.

  1. Click (Settings) > References, then click Barcode Sets in the left navigation menu.
  2. In the Barcode Sets table, in the Action column, click (Actions) > Download.

    A CSV file containing DNA barcode information is downloaded.

Save the CSV file to your local storage. You can now transfer this file to another Ion Torrent™ Server or edit the file and import the new custom DNA barcode set into Torrent Suite™ Software. For more information, see Add a custom DNA barcode set.