Save adjusted parameters to a variantCaller plugin configuration

You can adjust the variantCaller plugin parameters that are used for the barcode, then save the adjusted parameters to a configuration.

The reference genome, target regions, and hotspots files in the saved configuration inherit the files that are used to obtain the variantCaller plugin results for this barcode.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports, then click the Report Name for the completed sequencing run of interest.
  2. In the left navigation menu click variantCaller, or scroll to the variantCaller results section.
  3. Click the barcode name link to open the detailed variantCaller plugin summary.
  4. Click Show Filter Settings, then adjust the Parameter threshold values.
  5. Enter the Configuration Name that stored the adjusted parameters, then click Save to Configuration.
  6. To apply the updated configuration to additional barcodes, run the plugin manually, then assign the saved configuration with the adjusted parameters to the desired barcodes.