Sample information
When you add a sample to a Sample Set in Torrent Suite™ Software, you enter information to describe and identify each sample, with characteristics such as gender, sample type (RNA or DNA, for example), or relationship group. This sample information is referred to as sample attributes. You can add user-defined attributes to the sample attributes that are available in the software. Each attribute that you add appears in:
Lists of samples and Sample Sets on the Ion Torrent™ Server.
The CSV file that is used to import sample information.
A sample attribute can be made mandatory, in which case you are required to enter the attribute information for each new sample. After the attribute is added to the Sample Attributes list, you can edit or delete user-defined attributes. You can also choose whether the attribute is displayed or hidden from the sample listings and the Add Sample dialog box.
The attributes that you create are applied to individual samples and not to the Sample Sets.