Import data for data transfers or restoration
You can import data to a Ion Torrent™ Server from a mounted storage drive such as an external server or a USB drive. The import function can be used to transfer data between servers or restore data that has been archived.
Data can be imported only from storage drives that have been mounted on your Ion Torrent™ Server. For information about mounting a storage drive, see Increase file storage and available disk space.
The Import function can retrieve only the data files that were previously exported or archived. For example, if you try to import files from an archive that does not include signal processing input or basecalling input files, these files are not retrieved.
Exported and archived files on a mounted drive can be viewed and analyzed directly in Torrent Suite™ Software under Completed Runs & Reports. If you unmount the storage device, the data is no longer available. Import files before unmounting a drive to continue using them.
If you import data that has been previously archived, the original archive remains. After an import, data exists in two locations. The data is copied to Ion Torrent™ Server and remains in the original archive location. If you later delete the file manually, the imported files remain in the archive.