3-column target regions BED file format
The 3-column target regions BED file format is used when amplicon IDs and gene names are not known.
The track line is optional. If present, it includes these tab-separated fields:
The following is an example track line:
track name="ASD270245" description="AmpliSeq Pool ASD270245"
In a 3-column target regions BED file, the coordinates lines require the following tab-separated fields:
Partial example of a 3-column target regions BED file:
chr9 133738312 133738379 chr9 133747484 133747542 chr9 133748242 133748296 chr9 133748388 133748452 chr9 133750331 133750405 chr9 133738312 133738379 chr9 133747484 133747542 chr9 133748242 133748296 chr9 133748388 133748452 chr9 133750331 133750405 chr14 105246407 105246502 chr14 105246407 105246502 chr14 105246407 105246502 chr2 29432658 29432711