View the summary for an Ion Chef™ Instrument run

You can view a summary for a completed run by an Ion Chef™ Instrument by viewing the run report.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports, then click the report name link to open the report of interest.

    If necessary, filter the list to show only Ion Chef™ Instrument runs.

  2. In the left navigation menu, click Details, or scroll to the Details section of the run report, then click the Chef Summary tab.

The following parameters are listed.

  • Chef Last Updated

  • Chef Instrument Name

  • Chef Operation Mode

  • Sample Position

  • Tip Rack Barcode

  • Chip Type 1

  • Chip Type 2

  • Chip Expiration 1

  • Chip Expiration 2

  • Templating Kit Type

  • Chef Flexible Workflow

  • Reagent Expiration

  • Reagent Lot Number

  • Reagent Part Number

  • Reagent Cartridge Serial Number

  • Solution Lot Number

  • Solution Part Number

  • Templating Protocol Planned

  • Solution Cartridge Serial Number

  • Solution Expiration

  • Templating Protocol Executed

  • Chef Script Version

  • Chef Package Version

    Start Time

  • Completion Time