Global options used by all TMAP modules
Option |
Alternate option |
Type |
Default |
Description |
File |
[ no default ] |
FASTA reference file. |
File |
Standardinput (stdin) |
The reads file name. |
String |
Unknown |
The reads file format (fastq | fq | fasta | fa |sam | bam). |
File |
Standardoutput (stdout) |
The SAM file name. |
none |
Integer |
0 |
Sets the starting virtual file offsets that limit the range of BAM reads to process. |
Integer |
1 |
Score for a match. |
Integer |
3 |
Mismatch penalty. |
Integer |
5 |
INDEL start penalty. |
Integer |
2 |
INDEL extension penalty. |
Integer |
-1 |
Long INDEL penalty. |